

Dr. Andrew Sodergren Honored at 2023 CPA Conference

Dr. Andrew Sodergren was honored at the Catholic Psychotherapy…

“3 Transcendentals: Truth, Beauty & Goodness”

San Francisco’s courageous Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone…

Dr. Emily Dowdell, the Latest Therapist to Join the RWPS Team

We are excited to announce the addition of Dr. Emily Dowdell…

“Called to Freedom: Healing Our Wounds with Theology of the Body.”

Ruah Woods Luncheon Banquet/Fundraiser this year in May was…

Damon Owens Keynote

We were incredibly blessed to have Damon Owens as our keynote…

RWPS Expands Northward

You spoke, and we listened.  For 10 years, Ruah Woods Psychological…