Our Approach


With John Paul II, we believe that man is created for love.  Since we are all created in God’s image, and, as St. John the Apostle tells us, “God is love,” love has something to do with our most fundamental identity.  God is in fact a divine Communion of Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) engaged in an eternal exchange of love.  For all eternity, the Blessed Trinity exists in a movement of giving and receiving, begetting, and being begotten, a dance of infinite intimacy and fruitfulness beyond all our minds can conceive.

Being created in the image of the Divine Communion of Persons, love too defines the identity of the human person.  Man and woman come into existence through the self-gift of their parents, which God blesses and makes fruitful.  Our very existence is a gift that we receive, not only at the start of life but at every moment.

As we grow, we do well to increasingly discover this fundamental identity as sons and daughters of God who depend on him for existence at every moment.  We further discover that since our very being is a gift given to us, we find fulfilment only through making a total gift of ourselves to God and others.  This is what we refer to as the “vocation to love.”

“God inscribed in the humanity of man and woman the vocation, and thus the capacity and responsibility, of love and communion. Love is therefore the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being.” – Pope St. John Paul II



Love is our identity and our vocation, but we do not come into the world with this knowledge.  Nor are we born with a fully formed ability to love.  Rather, we have to discover who we are and how to love through our day-to-day experiences with the people around us.  Human relationships have the power to reveal or obscure our identity as beloved sons and daughters of God.  Even more, the “lessons” we learn as we navigate our relationships can help our capacity for love to grow or hinder it.

The first and most formative relationships that shape our identity and our ability to love are those in the family.  As Pope Benedict XVI once said, “The family is the privileged setting where every person learns to give and receive love.”

As Catholic mental health professionals, we seek to understand how your life experiences, especially those formative ones in the family, have impacted who you are today, how you see yourself, how you relate to others, and ultimately your capacity for love.  We believe that the more we can work together to free you of lies and distortions, uproot unhealthy patterns stemming from past relationships, and break habits and addictions that encumber your freedom to love, the more joy, peace, and fulfillment you will find.

Are you ready to come walk with us?

For more information or to make an appointment, call 513-407-8878.